
Satisfactory level of safety of children's high chairs on the market


Market Surveillance Agency of BiH and market inspections of the BiH entities and Brčko District of BiH completed joint market surveillance of children's high chairs during the period from May to December 2021.

The aim of the market surveillance was to determine whether the children's high chairs placed on the market of BiH are safe to use. Children's high chairs are considered safe if they comply with the requirements specified by the Law on General Product Safety (Official Gazette of BiH, 102/09) and the standard BAS EN 14988+A1:2021.   

Inspections found that two of the seven tested products (29%) do not comply with the prescribed safety requirements. Administrative non-compliances were removed in two models of children's high chairs.

Non-compliances identified during the surveillance activities were the following:

-        incomplete instructions for use,

-        incomplete information provided at the point of sale,

-        incomplete product labelling.


Based on the results of the market surveillance activities, it can be concluded that the situation on the market of BiH in terms of safety of children's high chairs is satisfactory.