Market Surveillance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and market inspection authorities of the Federation of BiH, Republic of Srpska and Brčko District of BiH have completed joint market surveillance of electric general purpose luminaires

Market Surveillance Agency of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and market inspection authorities of the Federation of BiH,
Republic of Srpska and Brčko District of BiH have completed joint market
surveillance of electric general purpose luminaires. This is the seventh time
that market surveillance authorities have carried out surveillance of electric
general purpose luminaires on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previous surveillances,
the last of which was conducted in 2021, showed that around 60% of the tested
products did not meet the safety requirements of the Order on electrical
equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits, and they posed a
risk of electric shock and fire to consumers.
The aim of the surveillance was to
determine whether and to what extent the market of electric luminaires has
adapted to the safety requirements specified by BH standards in the meantime, and whether the electric luminaires placed on the
market of Bosnia and Herzegovina are safe for use.
During the implementation of surveillance,
a total of eleven (11) inspection controls were carried out, in which the electric general purpose luminaires found on the market
were controlled. Inspectors performed
administrative and visual control of the products and based on that, they
selected ten (10) samples for laboratory testing, due to the suspicion that
these products do not meet all the safety requirements that apply to them.
Laboratory analysis determined that 5 samples (50%) did not comply with the
safety requirements of the Order on electrical equipment designed for use
within certain voltage limits, and they pose a risk of electric shock and
fire for consumers.
Risk assessment showed that four (4)
non-compliant products pose a serious risk to consumers. As a result, the
measures of withdrawal from the market, recall from consumers and destruction
of the products were imposed, as well as the obligation to inform consumers
about the risks that the products pose to users and how to return dangerous
In the case of one (1) product, the
importer decided to voluntarily withdraw the product from the market instead of
eliminating the non-compliance.
In total, 203 electric general purpose
luminaires were withdrawn from the market and destroyed.