Unsafe products found on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Electric luminaire, type BP-1260


The product poses risk of fire and electric shock.

Product name

Electric luminaire


Type: BP-1260



Country of origin

People's Republic of China


Belamionix d.o.o. Brčko


The product poses risk of fire and electric shock because:

-         the product is not properly marked,

-         the cross-sectional area of the cable is smaller than the permitted minimum.

The product does not comply with the Order on electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits and the standard BAS EN 60598-2-4:2019.

Measures taken

The importer has taken measures to withdraw the product from the market, recall it from consumers and destroy the dangerous products, as well as to inform consumers about the risks and how to return the dangerous products.

Instructions for consumers

We advise consumers who have purchased the above-mentioned product to stop using it and return it to the importer or the place of purchase.

Unsafe products found on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina